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Предыдущие дачные зарисовки были здесь. Антонио Гауди замечательный испанский архитектор, его стиль очень узнаваем и многими любим. У него много поклонников и подражателей. На снимке вы видите парк Гауди в Барселоне:.
In grade school, the good nuns built a solid foundation for good writing through two important benchmarks: 1 Parts of Speech; and 2 Sentence Diagraming. They identified the bones of the sentence and interaction of words, within a graphic setting to learn them. I accepted the first seven without question, but never understood why grammarians included the Interjection, as it only expresses emotion, usually followed by an exclamation point, and has no grammatical relation to the rest of the sentence. Sentence Diagrams started as an early exercise to identify and place the Parts of Speech. At first, it was easy because early childhood sentences contained few words, mostly nouns and verbs.
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